1. Dr. Uy Davin (ITC) presented a poster entitled “Development of arsenic absorbent using porous ceramic as support”
2. Mr. Heng Savoeun (RUPP) presented a poster entitled “Arsenic contamination in foodstuffs in the Mekong River basin of Cambodia”
3. Mr. Kok Sothea (RUPP) presented a poster entitled “Groundwater quality verification for construction of the arsenic treatment technology in Cambodia”
4. Mr. Sovann Chansopheaktra (RUPP) presented a poster entitled “Efficiency of Boeung Chueng Ek Wetland for Natural Treatment of Wastewater in Phnom Phenh, Cambodia”
5. Mr. Andrew Shantz (RDI) presented a poster entitled “Drinking water access and groundwater quality in Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia”
In addition, it was a great opportunity for the former staffs and bridge students of RDI, who are now studying in Gwangju, could meet up and had dinner with Andrew Shantz, RDI Lab Director and other lecturers.